A world-class workforce training, culinary, and hospitality institute sets down roots in New Orleans, connecting the local community to quality employment opportunities and creating pathways for industry advancement.

New Orleans, Louisiana
The hospitality industry is the largest employer in New Orleans, a city that boasts over 1,400 restaurants alone. NOCHI’s mission is to provide more employment and community engagement opportunities in the industry by way of no- and low-cost workforce training programs, culinary and baking certification programs, no-cost community education programs and revenue-generating food and beverage programs for visitors from around the world.
The project includes the renovation of a historic, five-story building in downtown New Orleans, accessible by public transportation. Upon completion, the project will include two culinary kitchen labs, two baking and pastry labs, a restaurant lab, a wine and spirits lab, a large event center including a banquet kitchen, a café open to the public, as well as traditional classroom and office space. About 21,500 square feet of the building will be subleased to Tulane University, who will operate a business hospitality entrepreneurship program.
- Create 57 full-time construction jobs.
- Create 44 permanent full-time jobs and maintain 9 permanent full-time jobs.
- 100% of construction jobs will pay wages more than the local living wage, and 97% of permanent jobs will pay more than the local wage and provide employer-sponsored benefits.
- The project includes a Workforce Training Program that will train a minimum of 220 individuals annually, 60% of whom are projected to be minorities and 100% to be Low-Income Persons.
- The project includes community-based education programs to approximately 90 individuals annually, 60% of whom are projected to be minorities and 50% to be Low-Income Persons.
- Developed in partnership with the Culinary Institute of America, the project will also include certificate programs in Culinary Arts and Baking Arts to approximately 210 students annually, 25% of whom are projected to be minorities and 25% to be Low-Income Persons.
- 29% poverty rate
- Economic Development Zone
- Total Project Cost: $35 million
- NCF Deployed Allocation: $9 million
- Total NMTC Allocation: $8.82 million
- United Fund Advisors (National Community Fund I, LLC)
- IBERIA Civic Impact Partners, LLC
- Enhanced Community Development, LLC
- New Orleans Culinary and Hospitality Institute, Inc.